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While we had a great launch and lots of people have congratulated us on a job well done, the one thorn in our side is that we have had a bit of down time in our first day on the air. Our transmitter seems to be having some problems and cuts off now and then […]
Welcome to YOUR radio station. Tune to 88.1 FM and enjoy! At midnight Friday night, WWER went on the air – live! Ted, Charlie, Dave L, and Tom said a few words to mark the occassion. We clinked our champagne glasses and engaged our automation system to carry us through our first week. You can […]
This afternoon, our station manager Ted Tait and several of his minions performed the first end-to-end test of Colonial Beach Community Radio. The computer in our Chamber of Commerce studio, sent a demo play list audio stream to the tower and out over the airwaves. When that happened, three middle-aged men were jumping and high-fiving […]
Today Ted Tait, Bill Butler and I (Tom Larson) met with the Dashan Turner (Superintendent of CB Schools) and Tricia Williams (CB High School Principal). We provided a station overview and outlined our vision for involving Colonial Beach students in WWER’s future while learning valuable skills in the process. Both Mr. Turner and Ms. Williams […]
Today we moved the radio studio gear. A small band of volunteers loaded the equipment and furniture generously donated by the Frederickburg Christian School into the back of a pickup truck generously loaned to us for the task, and drove it to our new home at the Chamber of Commerce where they are donating space […]
Week One Program Schedule Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 WWER Listeners: Today we are unveiling our Week 1 Programming Schedule! Please know that the first week of June will be our first week ever on the air. As such, the schedule will likely require some “on the fly” adjustments, as we learn our way into operating […]
I realize it’s been a little while since you’ve heard from us and you might think we have run out of steam. Quite the contrary – So much is going on that it’s hard to know where to start. The last piece of paperwork related to transferring the license of WWER to the Colonial Beach […]
I’m happy to announce that on May 8, the FCC approved the assignment of license for WWER to the Colonial Beach Community Foundation! Our radio station is soon to become a reality! I will be meeting with the current licensee on Friday to discuss the logistics of transition. We are on track for our official […]
Things are starting to come together. Our acting program director Tom Larson, has been hard at work planning interesting shows for WWER. Of course, he is not alone. We have some enthusiastic individuals coming up with program ideas and already starting to make test recordings of shows (basically pilot shows). I’d like to single out […]
Do rainy days make you want to listen to the radio? I hope so. As I write this, it is pouring in Colonial Beach – again! Seems like a good time to be sitting on the porch listening to the radio! We are hard at work coming up with show ideas that we hope you […]