Author: Ted Tait
Page: 23
This week on Porch Talk, get to know Duke Dodson a bit better. In addition to sponsoring Problem on the Potomac, Duke visited my front porch for a chat. He has lead an interesting life, so be sure to tune in Thursday night at 8PM or Saturday morning at 9AM. Each Thursday night we present a […]
We’re offering you some second chances…. If you missed the latest play by the CB Playhouse – Problem on the Potomac – that ran on Saturday, it runs again Tuesday night at 8PM. If you missed Talk of the Town last week where we met the owners of the new Hawthorn Mercantile, it’s now on […]
The Colonial Beach Playhouse is back on WWER! Tune in Saturday at 6PM for their latest radio play – Problem on the Potomac! We will air the play Saturdays at 6PM and Tuesdays at 8PM for the next 2 weeks! Be sure to tune in! Saturday, May 1 at 6pm Tuesday, May 4 at 8pm […]
Tune in to our newest show Thursday night at 8PM – Talk of the Town! This week we speak with the owners of the newest store in downtown Colonial Beach – Hawthorn Mercantile, to learn about them and the store. If you miss it Thursday night, we will re-broadcast Saturday at 9AM. The grand opening […]
Last week we debuted a new show on WWER – Talk of the Town. It runs in our ‘talk block’ – Thursday nights at 8PM. Once a show airs, we put it in our archive, so you can listen any time if you missed the normal airing. Our first show was part of a series […]
The response to our request for folks to display WWER lawn signs has been great! We have less than 10 left! I confess it is very gratifying to ride around in my golf cart and see all of the signs proudly displayed at homes and businesses in Colonial Beach! Thanks to everyone for supporting us! […]
Our Spring 2021 schedule has completed its first week. We’re grateful for the positive feedback we have received about the new shows. One of my favorites is the “Perfect Hour“. It’s your chance to program WWER for an hour with your favorite music. It’s our chance to learn more about the songs you love, and […]
Variety is the spice of life, that gives it all its flavor. You’ve heard the expression, and it’s what makes WWER so much fun to listen to! We play such a wide variety that you never know what is coming next. I often hear from listeners who tell me that’s one of the things they […]
As I write this from my front porch, it’s a beautiful Spring day! Despite warnings of a chance of rain from our weather man Dave, there isn’t a cloud in the sky! I can’t blame Dave, he gets his weather forecasts from the National Weather Service. I should also point out that Dave has been […]
Our Thursday evening schedule has two new items. At 8PM we present our ‘Talk Block” which will rotate each week through several different talk shows: Porch Talk – The popular chat show moves from Monday to Thursday. Town Matters – Our discussion show about local government and news. Outcasting – Covering a variety of topics […]