Author: Ted Tait
Page: 3
WWER offers free on air announcements for non-profits. If you’re non-profit has an event coming up that you would like to publicise, just fill out the PSA form on our website 2 weeks in advance, and we will put it on air.
This week on WWER we present a new Town Matters – Volunteer Rick Wood snagged an interview with our local Congressman Rob Whitman to talk about erosion and other subjects of interest to Colonial Beach. Town Matters: Thursday 8PM Saturday 9AM Available online Saturday 9AM Our Perfect Hour this week comes from Karl Frederick. […]
This week we have another guest DJ on The Perfect Hour. Tracy Rumohr is back with a new list of songs. She even came into our studio to instroduce the songs and talk a bit about the music. Perfect Hour: Thursday 11PM Saturday 11AM Our talk show this week is Your Care Partners. I worked […]
It’s been a little while since we produced a new Perfect Hour. Even with all of the songs in our library, our listeners manage to challenge us with playlists of songs that we don’t have! It takes time to seek them out, add to our library and then assemble into a Perfect Hour. This week’s […]
Community radio means local information that you won’t get on other radio stations. WWER has what you need… Local Weather & Tides at the top of every hour The Boom report – A schedule of Dahlgren testing so you know when to expect the booms and shakes that go with living near an ordinance testing […]
If you frequent places in the Northern Neck that offer live music, you’ve probably already heard of this week’s Porch Talk guest. Tyler Nichols is a young local musician who likes to play old time rock and roll. Listen this week as Linda Wright asks about him and his music. You can hear Porch Talk […]
This week we have a fresh installment of Your Care Partners. Marti and Jill welcome Dr. Tina Thomas, executive director of the Martha W. Goodson center in Williamsburg, sharing facts on alzheimers and sharing sources for help if a family member begins showing the signs. Your Care Partners airs: Thursday at 8PM Saturday at 9AM […]
You did it! – And it’s a good thing! You donated generously and made sure we could pay for our new WWER studio! Shortly after writing my blog entry Monday about being nearly there, we received a donation to bring us ‘over the top’ to our final goal of $17,000 – “Bingo!”. The donor in […]
We are nearly at our goal for the studio fundraiser! Another $700 has come in since our open house event, bringing us to 99% of our goal! Just $209 will get us there. We have another opportunity for you to donate and have a good time tonight at the Icehouse. Join us for BINGO night […]
I’d like to introduce you to a new feature on WWER called “Observations from an Unlikely Disciple”. Presented by Rev. Hope Gibbs, Observations are her inspirational thoughts on such topics as hope, forgiveness and gratitude. Her Observations are faith based, but not meant to be sermons, just thoughts and musings about life and relationships. I […]