Author: Ted Tait
Page: 30
Tune in to Town Matters tonight at 8PM to hear Town Manager Quinn Robertson answer questions about how Colonial Beach has been dealing with COVID-19. I spoke with him on May 7 and we talked about a variety of topics including: Why did Colonial Beach do the things we did, sometimes beyond what the state […]
The new WWER schedule rolls on through the week. Highlights for Tuesday include: Local Artist Spotlight at 12:10 and 5:10PM every day. Town Matters at 8PM – Our new talk show with town leaders of interest to all citizens. This week we speak with Town Manager Quinn Robertson about the Colonial Beach reaction to COVID-19. […]
Tune in tonight for a chance to get to know the man who is our Town Manager in Colonial Beach, Quinn Robertson. I sat down with him to get some background on tonight’s Porch Talk at 8PM. Tomorrow evening at 8PM, listen to our new show Town Matters where I talk to Quinn about town […]
Monday marks the start of our new weekday lineup on our schedule. We’ve broken the day up into shows which each feature a slightly different mix of music. It’s all still from our wide ranging library, but each one will have a slightly different flavor. This will create even greater variety throughout the day. Here […]
Sunday marks the start of our new schedule. I’ll highlight the new stuff for you. Click the links to learn more. Our Jazz Brunch Starts at 8AM. Jazz music to go with your Sunday. Our weekend beach mix – A seasonal ‘tweak’ to our music mix to go better with Summer. The Oasis airs at […]
We’re always trying to improve what’s on WWER. A few months ago, we decided it was time to give our sound a Spring cleaning. On Sunday, we will flip the switch on those changes! Rest assured that we are not dramatically changing who we are. This is more of a course correction. We will continue […]
Tune in weekdays at about 9:10AM for our market updates with Melanie Ochs of Edward Jones. Making sense of investing in these volatile times!
This week we have a new edition of Porch Talk airing. Our mayor Eddie Blunt offered to be a guest on the show and of course we accepted! Porch Talk is a show where we talk to our neighbors and learn a bit more about them personally – their lives, how they came to Colonial […]
Stuck in DC, Richmond, or somewhere else far from our radio signal and missing WWER? You can still stream us day and night! One of our listeners has figured out how to add the WWER stream to Sonos. Since I know many folks have asked about this, I thought it would be a good idea […]
Don’t go stir crazy – Get some exercise! We’re working on some program and schedule updates for the Summer season. With everyone stuck at home, we’re going to test drive one of them this Friday night. Tune in for the Friday Night Dance party starting at 9PM! You can’t go clubbing, but you can dance […]