Author: Ted Tait

Page: 32

The Holidays are upon us, and WWER has some gifts for you!  Please tune in for these special programs we have planned for you:   Christmas Eve: All Christmas music throughout the day starting just after midnight. 8PM – An encore presentation of Dave’s special Early Jazz Music Review.  It’s full of some really wonderful […]

It’s our first season for WWER and we have a few nice things planned.  But before I mention them, I wanted to let you know that we’ve been doing work to make our signal more reliable.  Our studio to transmitter link is now more reliable than it was, and we have a backup system in […]


November 15, 2019

I’m happy to report that we had Verizon come to take a look at things, and our intermittent problem reared its ugly head while the technician was there, making it much easier to track the cause!  He made some repairs to our service, and things have been much more reliable since then.  Here’s hoping they […]

If you are a regular listener, you already know that lately we have been plagued by service interruptions.  Quite simply, we are at the mercy of Verizon who provide our internet service.  Trust me when I tell you that we are vexed by this issue and are working on solutions.  Our tower location does not […]

We love hearing from our listeners and finding out what you like or don’t like on WWER.  To help us improve, we’re asking you to fill out our new survey.  It should only take a few minutes and will help guide on on future programming decisions.  Thanks! Please visit     

For those of you who enjoyed Dave Tucker’s chat with Steve Griffin on Porch Talk, the full version is now available for your listening pleasure.  Soon we will be adding other back episodes of Porch Talk as well.  Many of you have asked us for a way to listen to past shows.  They will be […]

I’m happy to say we are continuing to get good local publicity about WWER.  This week, we are featured in the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star.  It’s a very nice article and hopefully it will make more people aware that we exist!  We’ve certainly gotten some good word of mouth publicity, and if you like us, I […]

For those of you who have been listening from the beginning, you may recall we got knocked off the air 3 days after we started!  3 days after that, we were back on the air with a loaner transmitter as we sent ours out to be repaired.  But I would not blame you for forgetting […]

Thanks for listening to WWER! We’ve been on the air for a couple of months now and we’re pretty proud of what we have done so far. We want to improve and we’re asking for your help to do it. We now have a listener comment line – 804-214-6226 that you can call with your […]

You probably already know that WWER is a non-profit station, run completely by volunteers and funded by donations.  We get donations from individuals and businesses.  Some are large, some are small, but they all add up!  They are vital to our continued operation.  You can see their logos along the top of our home page. […]

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