Author: Ted Tait
Page: 34
I’m happy to announce our first ongoing underwriting pledge! Underwriting, is where a person, business or organization support WWER with an ongoing donation, and we recognize that support with on air announcements. This week, the American Legion voted on a silver level underwriting plan at $50 per month for one year. We are very grateful […]
[wpdevart_countdown text_for_day=”Days” text_for_hour=”Hours” text_for_minut=”Minutes” text_for_second=”Seconds” countdown_end_type=”time” end_date=”29-05-2019 23:59″ start_time=”1559151522″ end_time=”2,10,22″ action_end_time=”show_text” content_position=”center” top_ditance=”10″ bottom_distance=”10″ ]WWER Has Launched![/wpdevart_countdown] “When will you be on air”? That is one of the most frequent questions we hear. It’s hard to set deadlines for yourself, especially when a lot of things depend on other people to happen, but deadlines are […]
I wasn’t sure if we were going to have enough people to do this, but we pulled the Easter Rabbit out of a hat and managed to get enough people as of yesterday! If you have been wondering about what WWER will be about but did not attend the March 30 meeting, please feel free […]
We got our first press coverage in the April 3rd Edition of Westmoreland News. Reporter and Colonial Beach resident Suzy Pietras-Smith attended the organizational meeting on March 30th, and filed the story below. Funny thing was, I didn’t spot it myself but had it called to my attention by somebody in my building at work […]
The Colonial Beach Chamber of Commerce have graciously invited WWER to share a corner of their office for 6 months while we figure out where we will live on a more permanent basis! Thanks for the free space! We are investigating a more permanent solution, but this will take the pressure off for our very […]
Last night, I made a presentation to the Colonial Beach Community Foundation (our parent organization) about our progress so far. They seem as excited as some of you about the prospect of our little town having it’s own radio station, and want to help. I explained to them what we have accomplished so far, what […]
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Lest you think nothing is going on between blog posts, nothing could be further from the truth! We have several volunteers working hard on several fronts, and need more! Most are working without any formal titles, but soon we will start to name people to positions (in an ‘acting’ role) to start creating some structure […]
Thanks again to all those who attended our first meeting. I think the lovely weather may have kept some people outside instead of in a meeting, but those who attended had a nice discussion of what lies ahead. We had a nice mix of people with some skills that we will need for WWER. We […]
The FCC paperwork to assign the license of WWER to the Colonial Beach Community Foundation was officially filed March 19. Typically it takes the FCC 30 to 60 days to act on these requests. “Stay tuned” for further updates!