Author: Ted Tait
Page: 4
Our Open House on Friday was a great success! We showed off our new studio to a lot of people, got some volunteers interested, and collected more donations! It was such fun to see everyone and show off the studio. There are so many people to thank for helping to make the event a success. […]
The studio is ready! Join us tonight during the Sip N Stroll event to see our new studio. It’s going to be a great night with fun, food, drinks and prizes. Come celebrate with WWER. 6-9 PM behind Hawthorn Mercantile – 116 Hawthorn St., Colonial Beach VA
We have an exciting weekend ahead! The 73rd annual Potomac River Festival kicks off Friday evening with the Fire fighter’s parade at 7:30 (bring your ear plugs!) and continues with fun events all weekend. WWER will be participating by announcing the boats at the boat parade hosted by the Colonial Yacht Club. While you can […]
June 1 marks 5 years since we went on air! We have our equipment installed and we are programming and testing everything. On June 1 we did a brief test broadcast to make sure everything is working. It’s all looking very good! We’re just waiting on a few things that the county inspector wants done […]
Donations to our studio project have slowed the last few weeks, but we have had a lot of generous people step up. Last week two more donations came in, including $500 from on air volunteer Jack Mortimer. We have such a wonderful and dedicated group of volunteers who give both time and money to help […]
Here comes Memorial Day weekend at last! This Friday is a red, white and blue themed SipNStroll from 6-9PM. Keep WWER as your musical companion as you enjoy the break! In addition to our fun Weekend Beach Mix of music, we have a few other items of interest: Perfect Hour – This week Donna Pirner […]
The sewage spill last Summer was a wake up call for our town. Since then, our government has taken steps to correct problems at the wastewater treatment plant and put it under the management of an outside company to operate and maintain the plant. Last week on Town Matters Rick Wood toured the facility and […]
Hello Listeners and supporters! With the building construction substantially complete, last weekend I started wiring up some of the studio equipment. Meanwhile, we still have people producing shows. This week on Town Matters, Town Council member Rick Wood recorded a tour he took of the Colonial Beach wastewater facility, now being managed by Inboden Environmental […]
The base construction is substantially complete and it is looking great! Outside lighting has been added, including the all important “On Air” light! The inside is shaping up nicely as well, with shelves for lots of LP’s and CD’s We even have curtains on the window! As the dust settles, we can start […]
I’m happy to report that we are making good progress on the studio build. The addition of carpet and trim has gone a long way to making it look ‘finished’. Outside, the rain gutter will ensure that rainwater goes where we want it to. We also received a generous $1000 donation […]