This week on Talk of the Town we give you a preview of what to expect at this year’s Osprey Festival. WWER invited Joanie Millward the organizer to give us a sneak peak at what she is planning. Tune in to Talk of the Town! Saturday at 9AM Thursday at 8PM Available online after the […]
You did it! – And it’s a good thing! You donated generously and made sure we could pay for our new WWER studio! Shortly after writing my blog entry Monday about being nearly there, we received a donation to bring us ‘over the top’ to our final goal of $17,000 – “Bingo!”. The donor in […]
We are nearly at our goal for the studio fundraiser! Another $700 has come in since our open house event, bringing us to 99% of our goal! Just $209 will get us there. We have another opportunity for you to donate and have a good time tonight at the Icehouse. Join us for BINGO night […]
Our Open House on Friday was a great success! We showed off our new studio to a lot of people, got some volunteers interested, and collected more donations! It was such fun to see everyone and show off the studio. There are so many people to thank for helping to make the event a success. […]
The studio is ready! Join us tonight during the Sip N Stroll event to see our new studio. It’s going to be a great night with fun, food, drinks and prizes. Come celebrate with WWER. 6-9 PM behind Hawthorn Mercantile – 116 Hawthorn St., Colonial Beach VA
We have an exciting weekend ahead! The 73rd annual Potomac River Festival kicks off Friday evening with the Fire fighter’s parade at 7:30 (bring your ear plugs!) and continues with fun events all weekend. WWER will be participating by announcing the boats at the boat parade hosted by the Colonial Yacht Club. While you can […]
The sewage spill last Summer was a wake up call for our town. Since then, our government has taken steps to correct problems at the wastewater treatment plant and put it under the management of an outside company to operate and maintain the plant. Last week on Town Matters Rick Wood toured the facility and […]
It’s a Colonial Beach sign of Spring when the Osprey return. We celebrate their return each year with the annual Virginia Osprey Festival. In cooperation with the Virginia Osprey Foundation, WWER spoke with Osprey Foundation President Joanie Millward and Michael Academia, an Osprey researcher, for an update on how the Osprey are faring and a […]
Our new door arrived and has been installed! Looks a lot better than the old one… And we have a big hole in the wall where our new window is going… We hope to complete basic construction in February and start broadcasting from our new studio some time in March. We’re already […]
You may have noticed that we didn’t send out an events email this week and that we don’t have an events announcement on air. Barry Millward has been doing these for the last two years, but has decided to move on. I wanted to take a moment to thank Barry for doing these announcements and […]