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If you’re a regular listener, you’re already familiar with our Perfect Hour show. An hour of music selected by our listeners. We would like to put together a special Perfect Hour of just Christmas music. Reply to this post with one or more of your favorites, and we’ll add them to our special playlist! It […]
This is the WWER 88.1 events calendar. A weekly roundup of events and entertainment in and around Colonial Beach. On Wednesday, December 8, CB Brewing will hold its weekly Trivia Contest starting at 6:00. Friday is the December Art Walk from 6:00 to 9:00, featuring art at numerous locations in town. Muddy Boots will be […]
This is the WWER 88.1 events calendar. A weekly roundup of events and entertainment in and around Colonial Beach On Wednesday, December 1, CB Brewing will hold its weekly Trivia Contest starting at 6:00. On Saturday, The Hard To Tell Band will be playing at CB Brewing from 6:00 to 9:00. On Sunday, The Hard […]
This is the WWER 88.1 events calendar. A weekly roundup of events and entertainment in and around Colonial Beach On Wednesday, November 24, CB Brewing will hold its weekly Trivia Contest starting at 6:00. On Saturday, The Hard To Tell Band will be playing at The Backporch Vineyard in King George from 2:00 to 5:00, Sally and Brian will […]
Colonial Beach’s own celebrity Bob Taylor will be featured on a special two-part Porch Talk! Bob has lived a long life and has many stories to tell. We learned that he grew up on a farm, had a military career, sold furniture, worked for IBM at the beginning of the space race, and pursued music […]
Our Spring 2021 schedule has completed its first week. We’re grateful for the positive feedback we have received about the new shows. One of my favorites is the “Perfect Hour“. It’s your chance to program WWER for an hour with your favorite music. It’s our chance to learn more about the songs you love, and […]
This is Dave Tucker writing, your host and piano player for the Early Jazz Music Review. I’m excited to announce that the show is joining other shows and features in the archive here at WWER.ORG. It’ll work like this: New Early Jazz Music Review episodes broadcast first over-the-air on Sundays and repeat on Wednesdays. Roughly […]
Bill Calder is back. Listen Monday night at 9PM for “Calder’s Collection”, an eclectic mix of tunes. Movie soundtracks, classical, rock…. You never know what Bill will grab from his collection. Bill doesn’t restrict himself to one ‘category’ of music. It’s all stuff he likes. Join us for “Calder’s Collection” Monday at 9PM and again […]
As your community radio station, we want to know more about you, and the music you love! Music is such an important part of our lives. Everyone has their favorite songs. Those songs that you can hear over and over again and never get tired of. Those songs that always make you want to turn […]
As your community radio station, we want to know more about you, and the music you love! Music is such an important part of our lives. Everyone has their favorite songs. Those songs that you can hear over and over again and never get tired of. Those songs that always make you want to turn […]