Porch Talk
If you’re a fan of the TV show Sweet Magnolias, you hopefully already know that the show is based on books written by Sherryl Woods, a long time resident of Colonial Beach! Season 5 of the series is on Netflix now, so we decided it was time to replay our Porch Talk with her. A […]
Ever wondered how hard it is to become a published author? Sean Gates from King George found out. This week on Porch Talk we talk to him about growing up in King George and how he came to publish his books, which take place there. Thursday at 8PM Saturday at 9AM Online after 9AM Saturday […]
Last week was exciting for WWER. We did our first live broadcast of the candidate forum and it went well. We’ve had a lot of good response from listeners who appreciated being able to listen at home during the event, and listen again online if they were busy last Thursday night. The entire recording is […]
If you frequent places in the Northern Neck that offer live music, you’ve probably already heard of this week’s Porch Talk guest. Tyler Nichols is a young local musician who likes to play old time rock and roll. Listen this week as Linda Wright asks about him and his music. You can hear Porch Talk […]
Some of you may have already noticed that we have not been airing our usual talk shows lately. They usually air Thursday at 8PM and Saturday at 9AM. We have halted production of Town Matters, Talk of the Town and Porch Talk. The reason – not enough volunteers or time. All of these shows take […]