Notes and Votes
Written by Ted Tait on January 25, 2025
At WWER, we consider providing local information a key part of our reponsibility. That’s why we have features like Local weather, tides, the Boom Report, and our Events report. I’d like to introduce a new feature to our top of the hour lineup – Notes and Votes. Krista Brown is a former Town Council member who still has a great interest in Council activities, attends the meetings and takes notes. She is now recording brief summaries of those meetings which we present on air. In an effort to present these in bite-sized chunks, they are limited to 2-3 minutes in length. A lot happened in the latest Town Council meeting, so Krista has produced 3 different reports, which will rotate this week at the top of the hour along with our other reports you are used to hearing.
As you will hear, these reports are not editorials. They are a simple reporting of the facts of what happened in Council meetings, how the votes went, and relevant information. Our goal is to provide information so you can form your own opinions. I want to thank Krista for her efforts in creating these reports. It’s a lot of work and she is doing a great job.
Be sure to listen for Notes and Votes at the top of the hour on WWER!