Notes & Votes Jan 22, 2025
Krista Brown January 22, 2025
Wednesday night, January 22nd, Town Council (TC) met for their first meeting of the year with newest members Ms. Grandstaff, Ms. Sanford, and Mr. Larson.
Town Manager Natasha Tucker and Chief Financial Officer Lisa Oakes provided the 2nd Quarter Financial Report. Thus far, the General Fund has collected 53% in revenue and has spent 47%. Ms. Oakes advised the town is behind on revenue collection and thus far the Sewer fund has collected 44% in revenue and spent 50%. In addition, the Water fund has collected 58% in revenue and spent 45%. It should be no surprise the biggest expenditure has been on maintaining the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).
Ms. Tucker advised the town has submitted our first payment to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality – Water Quality Improvement Fund. Moving forward, these payments will be included in the town’s budget.
Colonial Beach Chief of Police, Les Parsons provided the 4th Quarter Public Safety Report.
Colonial Beach Police Department responded to:
3,249 service calls
584 traffic stops
105 arrests
Colonial Beach Volunteer Fire Department responded to:
137 service calls
32 fires
11 vehicular accidents
52 EMS support calls
26 public service calls
*Averaged 3.5 members per call
Westmoreland Department of Emergency Services responded to:
223 medical calls
133 transports
*Averaged 9.02 minutes response time
Town Staff welcomed two new employees including Ms. Sally Adams who is now our full-time Parks and Rec Director and Ms. Bridget Davis, our Finance Clerk. Mayor Schick recognized Sgt. Wright of our very own Colonial Beach Police Department who celebrated 10 years of service to our town. Sgt. Wright is a FAVORITE among CB kids as she is our School Resource Officer. Thank you for everything you do for our community Sgt. Wright!
The town sidewalks will be getting a few upgrades to comply with the ADA. 128 Washington Avenue has been addressed and corrected. The sidewalks on Irving Avenue will be addressed next and need to be corrected by June 30th and will cost $75,000.
An Eleanor Park update, 3 slabs were poured, then winter weather delayed the project. Once the ground is clear of snow, the project will continue and benches will be installed.
Robinson, Farmer, and Cox Consultants (RFC) were consulted to conduct an audit of the town’s finances for the 2024 Fiscal Year. RFC presented to TC and advised they have given the town an “Unmodified Opinion.” This is standard when financial statements are materially correct based on the testing RFC has done.
TC voted all in favor of the Vice Mayor Kenny Allison continuing as Vice Mayor, congratulations Mr. Allison!
Mayor Schick appointed members of TC to liaison with various departments in town.
Ms. Grandstaff – Economic Development
Ms. Sanford – Parks and Recreation
Mr. Allison – Public Works
Mr. Williams – School board and NGOs
Mr. Wood – Public safety & Planning
Mayor Schick – Administration
Town Attorney Powell Duggan briefed TC to advise that in January, the Planning Commission’s bylaws were updated, and TC can appoint a member to the Planning Commission (PC). In recent years, the PC was able to make their own appointments. Mr. Duggan advised the change to have TC appoint to PC brings the town in sync with Virginia Code and the PC supported the change.
There was a seat on Planning Commission that has been open, there were 3 applicants vying for the seat, Nigel Long, Laura Adams, and Linda Brubaker.
Mr. Wood motioned for Nigel Long to be appointed; Mr. Allison seconded the motion. Mr. Williams spoke and asked if the update to the PC’s bylaws was “snuck in.” Zoning Administrator, Ms. Darla Odom advised Mr. Williams the PC received the bylaws in December and in January, the PC themselves voted to change it.
Mr. Williams motioned to delay the vote, but was unable as there was an existing motion to appoint Nigel Long. Mr. Williams then nominated Lauren Adams and Ms. Sanford seconded the nomination. A vote ensued and Nigel Long has been appointed to the Planning Commission.
Mr. Williams – Lauren Adams
Ms. Grandstaff – Lauren Adams
Ms. Sanford – Lauren Adams
Mr. Allison – Nigel Long
Mr. Larson – Nigel Long
Mr. Wood- Nigel Long
Ms. Schick – Nigel Long
TC unanimously approved the town’s Floodwater and Stormwater Resiliency Plan. Ms. Kate Jones, Deputy Director of Community Development, with the Berkley Group provided an excellent overview and this can be found on the town’s website.
Some of the town’s biggest issues are erosion from stormwater, more impervious surfaces in town, and an increase in construction and building.
As most residents are aware, our North Beach area at the end of Virginia Avenue has serious erosion problems. Mr. Williams asked if the North Beach project “benefited more than the four homes” there. Ms. Jones said it did because erosion and flooding in one area can be detrimental to other locations in town.
Mayor Schick quickly responded, stating the question was misleading. There have been concerns about whether public funds are being used for private property. She advised that it is illegal and will not be done. The North Beach Project will use public funds, and the areas focused on have public access and public availability.
All in all, a lot seemingly was accomplished at this meeting. TC will meet again at their next work session scheduled for 6PM, Wednesday, February 5th.
Stay warm and enjoy another day in paradise!